Breast Cancer is the most frequent cancer among the women now a day.
It is most reported cancer globally. By far Breast cancer is the most spotted
cancer among women. Globally, more than 20% enhancement in breast cancer since
2008 with a newly diagnosed cases of 1.7 million in 2012; and there are 6.3
million women alive with breast cancer with 14% increase in mortality rate in
preceding 5 years.
In Asia, mostly breast cancer occursin women in their forties. In
Africa it is also usually around 48 years in which two third cases are
premenopausal whereas in Europe majority cases happens in postmenopausal stage.
Normal human women breast consists of milk producing lobules, tiny ducts that
carry milk from lobule to the nipple and stroma which contains fatty tissues
and connective tissues surrounding ducts, lobules, blood
vessel and lymphatic vessels. Breast cancer is an assemblage of very
diverse group of diseases. The Basis of classification of breast cancer was
started with histological features, then based on estrogen receptor(ER)
expression and later according to presence of Human Epithelial Growth Factor
receptor (HER2).
Breast cancer in specifically begin in lobules (lobular cancer) or
ducts (ductal cancer). Keeping in mind the metastatic capability, breast cancer
can either be in situ/non invasive or invasive. in situ breast cancer can have
different origin and grouped accordingly as Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or
Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). DCIs are the most common type of in situ
carcinoma while LCIS can be termed as pre cancer. There is some other in situ
type of breast cancer having characteristics of both ductal and lobular
carcinomas and have an unknown origin.
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