Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Management Of Unexpected Peritoneal Metastases With Primary Colorectal Cancer Using Second-Look Surgery With HIPEC

Peritoneal metastases (PM) documented in a patient with primary colon or rectal cancer places the patient at extreme risk for local recurrence or progressive PM diagnosed in follow-up.

Primary Colorectal Cancer
In the past, peritoneal seeding diagnosed with the surgical exploration did not result in any major changes in the surgical approach to the disease process. Rather, conventional surgery was performed and then the patient was referred for palliative systemic chemotherapy. At this point in time potentially curative treatments for PM have evolved and become an important part of the standard of care of colorectal malignancy.

In order to optimize the management of peritoneal metastases, a new approach to the primary cancer presenting with PM is required. The goal of manuscript is to describe a clinical pathway so that patients with PM diagnosed at the time of primary colorectal cancer resection receive treatment with curative intent.

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