Thursday, 27 October 2016

The Challenge of pN3 Stage in Breast Cancer

Since 1959 the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM system has been used to stage breast cancer. Since then, the TNM has helped clinicians in deciding the better treatment for each patient.

pN3 Stage in Breast Cancer
Periodically revisions have been made to this classification with the aim of keeping a relationship between the disease extent and the prognosis. However, when we talk about breast cancer, the TNM is not always enough.Several publications in the last years report that there are other predictive factors that influence the prognosis, measured by the overall survival or the DFS (disease-free survival), as much as the TNM stage does.

Some authors claim that important factors as primary tumor histologic grade and biologic tumor markers should be included in the AJCC system.

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